I flew out of San Diego on Saturday for the first time as a California resident, and I did it practically for free, thanks to my Rapid Reward points on Southwest! I had a quick connection in Denver, and before I knew it, I was on the ground in Minneapolis! As soon as I stepped foot into the airport, I whipped out my phone to call my brother to come pick me up!
I had gotten there just in time to see William and Aiden before bed for the very first time, and it was love at first sight! William was a little fussy, so as Momma was calming him down, I just stared at Aiden while he stared back, just cooing and giggling. I put my index fingers in both of his hands, and he was hanging on for dear life! Then I was able to meet William and love him up for a few minutes before they went off for sweet dreams! I only got to see them for a little bit, but I was wrapped around their tiny little fingers already! It was a top 5 best moment of my life!
After all the boys were down for the night, it gave Johnny, Maura and I the rest of the evening to catch up. Minneapolis just got a Giordano's Pizzeria, one of the best deep dish Chicago-style pizzas around, so we ordered out from there, and had a delicious dinner to boot! It was the best way to end any day!
Sunday morning I was able to sleep in as long as I wanted, but I didn't because I still had yet to see JG! I set my alarm for 8am (6am PST!!), and right when it sounded, I shot straight out of bed to find him. He was getting a bath at that time, so I helped with that, and played a bit. JG likes the bubbles, and he asked for more, twice! He sure is a chatterbox! He can follow instructions, answer simple questions, and he knows his brothers' names! He calls Aiden 'Ay-en,' and he calls William 'baby', because William fusses more than Aiden. It's super cute! He knows his reflection in the mirror, and when he looks at himself, he points and says 'JG!' with a cute surprised voice! He can drink and feed himself, which I know is super helpful for Johnny and Maura when they have the twins to care for! There were times when one of the twins would be laying in a little rocking bed, and JG would just go over to him, put his hand on the bed, and just look at him. JG is the best big brother I've ever seen. He must get his older brother skills from his daddy! ;) And as I found out after he got out of the tub, he can walk/run like a crazy man!' In addition, he can climb and descend stairs by himself, too! There literally isn't anything he CAN'T do! I'm so proud of him, and was in continuous awe all weekend with how smart he was!
Shortly after, William and Aiden came down, and I got to spend more time with them. It took me a while to tell them apart, but I got the suggestion to look at their hair. William has darker hair than Aiden, so after that, it was a breeze! After having almost the whole morning to get better acquainted with the twins, family started to arrive for the baptism. My step-mom and step-sister Gloria and Kori came first, then my mom followed not long after. It was great to see all of them after what had seemed like so long! Maura's parents and sister came, and before we knew it we were headed to the church. We packed up 3 cars, and I was able to sit in between both twins, and in the same car as JG, Johnny, Maura, and mom. Yep, the Kasper's are now a mini-van family! Soccer, here we come! Chris and Kim, the Godparents and Maura's close friends who she sees as a brother and sister, met us at the church. The men of the hour were dressed so cute in their baptism whites!
On the way to the church, William and Aiden fell asleep, and they looked so peaceful. I could literally stare at them all day long. How Johnny and Maura get anything done is beyond me! Haha!
The actual baptism ceremony was held after Sunday Mass, and it's a community baptism, where there were 7 other babies to be baptized as well, all at the same time! I liked this version a lot because then you could share the joy with so many others. Each family with a child to be baptized and their sponsors and Godparents stood around in a half circle in the middle of the church, and the priest went around and blessed each child first. Then he called each child and family up individually to be baptized into the church. It was a sweet moment, and William and Aiden were the only twins! Considering there were 9 children to be baptized, they all did very well, and I don't think one of them started crying. Way to go babies!
After the baptism ceremony was finished, I took myself out of all the hype of taking pictures, etc for a moment to remember the true reason we were all there, and I was overwhelmed with such joy to know that we were there to celebrate William and Aiden being baptized into the church. I will forever be comforted to know that they will walk and grow with Christ for the rest of their lives. They will always be in good hands! That is what brought tears of joy to my eyes!
After all the family photos were finished at the church, we headed back to the Kasper's to have lunch and converse with each other. They had a great spread of light lunch food. It was during this time that I was able to catch up with mom, Gloria, and Maura's parents as well. Also early on, I wanted to get a photo holding both twins at the same time, so as I was holding each baby, they were both so content, and Maura swears it was the best they both have ever behaved. They were just chilling out in my arms without a care in the world! It was a great Auntie moment for me!
As the afternoon became evening, people started to head out, leaving the Kasper 5, mom, and me. Mom was going to be spending the night on Sunday, which was a great chance for us to catch up. Right before JG went to bed, I was able to read him a bedtime story, which he normally doesn't sit through according to Maura, but he did for me! Am I becoming the baby whisperer?! That would be just fine by me! I also got some last minutes facetime with William and Aiden before they went off to bed!
Johnny parted ways with us as he had to go to work that morning, and JG was by the door to see him off. It was a sad goodbye, but also a proud moment, knowing that he, my older brother, co-created this amazing family!! I probably look up to him more now than I ever did!
After everyone was dressed and fed, including us adults, we all went for a walk. Johnny and Maura have a double stroller for the twins, a seat one in front of the other, and a smaller stroller for JG. It looked like a stroller brigade as we all darted from the house! Within walking distance is a library that Maura frequents with JG for children's reading and play time. It was closed when we went, but that didn't stop us from letting loose in the courtyard in front of the library. JG absolutely loves it there, and he has his stepping stones that he likes to walk on. Mom again taught him a new trick, to stand on the bottom wrung of the gate! He was really good at it! It amazes me how impressionable he is at this age; he is like a sponge! The library is right across from a school, so JG was able to see a few school buses go by, and we would wave at them. He loves big trucks, and a school bus can be placed in that category.
After we got back, it was almost time for me to pack up and make my way to the airport headed west! I loved William and Aiden up one last time, and gave JG a big hug right before he tried to say 'Robbie.' It came out more like 'Wa-be.' I know he knows who his uncle is! It was so great to spend this special occasion with the Kaspers, and it is something that I will remember for the rest of my life! Mom took me to the airport around noon, and we said our final goodbyes! I was on my way to what would be the worst travel day I have ever had!
"When we think of our family...let us see them as a gift from God." -Dillon Burroughs